I'm feeling lucky
Sample Text


Average Font is a type design software developed by Daniel Wenzel and operated through 26A1®. The web application is free to use. Font software created within this tool is intended to help in the early stages of the design process to find general proportions and to release the fear of a blank canvas.

Email: info@26a1.xyz
Instagram: @studio26a1

Important Notice
Generated fonts are subject to a permissive license and may be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely given that the license terms are met. The source fonts embedded in this software are either under public domain, public-domain-equivalent licenses or permission has been granted by the author or copyright holder. To report bugs and request features, if you are a type designer or foundry and would like to contribute to this project, or if you would like to remixing your own typefaces internally, please send an email to info@26a1.xyz.


This software is a commentary on contemporary type design. It initially started to provoke a conversation on originality and legal versus ethical boundaries.

Remix and Revival Fonts
The idea comes from the concept of remix typefaces where designers create their own versions that lie somewhere between two existing typeface designs. There is generally nothing wrong with this, as it may aim to fill gaps in our typeface landscape, but sometimes this seems more a justification than a necessity. It is for example totally legal to draw a remix between Helvetica and Arial, even if the general public can barely tell these two apart. And while it's not just remix fonts that create close relatives of existing designs, if you wander the typeface landscape these days, you'll find countless remixes, revivals, or clones with questionable purpose.
There are countless reasons why you would want to draw your own version of a typeface. Maybe technology has changed and there is a need for a digital version, a variable one, or one that is optimized for a specific purpose like printing, engraving, 3D, VR, etc. Maybe you introduce some new design features that make the font more unique, modern, expressive.. There are many foundries and designers that genuinely improve on these classic designs when making their own versions, but at the same time, the internet is saturated with close relatives that no one has really asked for.
Easier with Code
Regardless of whether you're an advocate or opponent of remix fonts, I couldn't help but think that technology would make this much easier. So I made a tool. Average Font can blend not only between two but any given number of typefaces to generate intermediate fonts.
Open Source Tool
Originally, I wanted to release this as an open source tool that allows you to upload and mix fonts, but since this violates almost any licensing terms, I decided against it. Since this would enable, simplify, or possibly even encourage copyright infringement, I could not do this in good conscience. Nevertheless, I wanted this to be more than just a gimmick. It took time to source usable font files, conduct legal research, put security measures in place and talk to type designers to make sure that both users and contributors could be happy with the result.
Assistive not Autonomous
The fonts created with this tool contain imperfect splines, which means they are meant to be a starting point for your own design, and by no means a finished font. I want designers to be able to start with the tool to figure out the general proportions and rhythm of an early design, and lose the fear of a blank canvas.
Technology in Type Design
There may be people who say this is cheating or a shortcut, and maybe they are right, but to me this is like saying electronic music doesn't count because you never learned to play an instrument. Instead, new technologies should be approached as the instruments themselves, and rather than trying to compete with Beethoven, they can be used to reach untouched territories. Many type foundries use tools like iKern to bypass the drudgery of kerning, but show skepticism when it comes to drawing. With enough practice and experience, one might be able to draw a new Helvetica from memory, but if this is the entry point into type design, it sets up such a high barrier that it becomes inaccessible to the many creative minds who might otherwise have contributed something unprecedented.

Here is where I find value in this tool. We are standing on the shoulders of giants, so why not acknowledge that there is knowledge and value in classic typeface designs and instead of spending decades in refining your craft in order to create whats already there, you could use this foundation and focus on creating actual innovation and concepts for typefaces that the world has not yet seen. There is value in novel design and even more important there is future. We need to evolve. We cannot eternally revive or remix the past.

With automation, tasks are left to a machine to make better use of the human potential. I’m a firm believer that design is all about the idea. AI is much better at craft than humans, and it’s only a matter of time before this will also affect traditional type design. If there are ways to simplify the craft so people can focus more on the creative process, I'm happy to support that. This is just the beginning of my journey into Assistive Type Design Tools. More is yet to come.

License Terms

Use and Modification of font software (“Software”) generated with the Average Font tool.
1. Modification Rights
You are free to modify the Software generated by this tool, as long as your derivative works do not include any of its unmodified original splines. If you change or redraw the splines of each character, the resulting work can be used, sold, or licensed with no restrictions based on this agreement.
2. Usage Restrictions
For the purpose of this agreement, the end user or legal entity for which the Software is used is considered the Licensee. For example, if a design studio wants to create a campaign for a company using this Software, the company is considered the licensee.

The free use of the unmodified Software is limited to licensees with fewer than one hundred employees and with a combined following of fewer than one hundred thousand across all social media platforms they use.

When using the unmodified Software, you may not:
  • use the Software in any racist, homophobic, transphobic, or sexist context, or to promote violence or discrimination.
  • use the Software in a political or religious context.
  • use the Software in any way that is against the law.
Without prejudice to any other rights, 26A1 shall be entitled to terminate a license without notice upon failure by you to comply with its terms and conditions. In such event, you must immediately cease all use of the Software and erase all copies of the Software in your possession.
Disclaimer of Warranties
The Software, including any accompanying documentation and materials, is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, performance, non-infringement and fitness for a particular purpose. 26A1 does not warrant that the Software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free and is not responsible and has no obligation to assist you for any installation or utilization problem of the Software.
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall 26A1 be liable for any consequential, indirect, or punitive damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, lost data, lost savings, lost business, or opportunities, business interruption or loss of reputation) arising out of the use or inability to use the Software, even if 26A1 has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Licensee assumes all risk and responsibility for the installation and use of the Software.
In the case that one or several of the provisions of this Agreement should be declared null and void, invalid, or inapplicable for any reason, the other provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable to the fullest extent possible.
These license terms can be modified at any time without prior consent or notification by 26A1. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting. Specific changes may be requested in writing and must be approved by 26A1 in advance. Any waiver of rights or permissions by 26A1 shall not be deemed a continuing waiver or waiver of future rights.
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